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Serviço de Administração Remota - Repositório de Softwares e Bibliotecas Científicas


is a technical and scientific software repository based on RPM Package Manager. The VHPC-REPO system enables a collection of fine tuned and extensive tested softwares to be installed, upgraded, configured, and removed of an HPC cluster in an easy and consistent manner, including the ability of automation. VHPC-REPO maintains a database with rich information about softwares and files to prevent software mismatches or missing prerequisites.

This whole platform ensures tight, strong, easy and clean integration among all the pieces present in a sophisticated environment such as a cluster turning it into a very uncomplicated easy-to-use tool for researchers, thus revealing a greatest user experience.
Users and administrators will never ever need to configure or compile any technical/scientific software or library.

How it works:
Versatus' Research and Development Team Download softwares, compile and tune it onto our development testbed, package and submit packages into our homologation environment. Packages get tested by end-users, and after that get deployed into the repository that is made available to all equipments under subscription


Available to:
CentOS/RedHat 6.5;
CentOS/RedHat 6.6 and 7.0 coming soon;



  • Every software listed in VHPC-REPO repository (get in touch to get the most recent list of available software);
  • Bug correction support
  • Access to any new software added to repository



  • Support on software usability (check our VHPC-SAR-HELPDESK if you wish user support)\
  • Support on scheduling/queuing system (check our VHPC-SAR-QUEUESYSTEM package to get workload system covered)


Important Notes:

  • Subscriber may request up to 10 additional applications within its subscription period
  • Each subscription grants access to one HPC Cluster or Supercomputer
  • VHPC-REPO is integrated to Yum package manager

Ars Alio DS

As estações de trabalho Ars Alio DS são destinadas a uso como terminal gráfico de usuário para acesso aos sistemas de computação de alto desempenho, pré- e pós-processamento de imagens e arquivos de entrada e saída que podem ser processados localmente ou em clusters computacionais.

  • 1 porta de rede 1Gbps
  • Até 6 cores Intel Sandy Bridge i5 ou i7
  • Até 16GB de memória
  • Até 4 Discos Rígidos
  • Até 1 NVidia Geforce ou Quadro (para cálculos científicos ou processamento de imagem)

Ars Alio WS

As estações de trabalho Ars Alio WS são concebidas como um super computador pessoal. São intencionadas a executar códigos paralelos e ainda assim contam com a possibilidade de servir como terminal de usuário sem que os calculos sejam prejudicados. Já vêm pré configuradas com sistema de filas, bibliotecas matemáticas, softwares científicos e de monitoramento.

  • Duas portas de rede 1 Gpbs
  • Até 64 cores AMD ou 32 cores Intel
  • Até 1TB de memória
  • Até 12 Discos rígidos
  • Até 4 Nvidia Kepler ou 4 Intel Phi Co-processor
  • Até duas portas de rede de 56Gbps e baixa latência
  • Escalável e clusterizável